Prognosis: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Outlook: Super Duper Hyper Positive
Chance of kicking it's rear: Oh, you better believe it. Consider this a warning little tumor.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reality Check

Merry Christmas everyone!

Lets get to the nitty gritty. As usual, a lot and not a lot, has happened here at the Bird house. Mom has been finished with ChemRad for 20 days now. Time flies!!!

GOOD News!
Since December 2nd, mom has slowly come off steroids and other medications and her brain has had time to adjust and heal from all the surgery and radiation. Her scar down the right side of her head is looking prettier every day! Her hair is growing back in some places and has not grown back in other places, we heard it takes 3-6 months to see what really is going to grow back (we're crossing our fingers!), though her hair is the least of our concerns. :) We have had many friends drop by and say "hello" and drop off yummy treats, which her children have totally been enjoying for her.
We have fun going through the mail everyday and reading all the get well and Christmas cards! We love hearing your news and seeing how your families have grown and changed over the last year, thank you so much for sending them. Mom and I did all our shopping on Amazon Prime (the man who invented it should be given the Noble Peace Prize) and we eagerly awaited the arrival of France and Brett who are HERE and are so helpful! We love having our boys!
Elder Bird in Arizona is doing wonderfully and he and mom share some funny emails back and forth as mom is still typing poorly (or as Jake likes to say "she writes in Vulcan"). We are excited to talk to him on Christmas Day! Jen & Todd and the girls are having Christmas is Savannah and we will be video chatting with them as often as possible! Sienna took her first real walk across the room the other day when she heard "Grandma Sheri" on the computer and came over to say hi! Mom and Jen both shed some tears as Sienna remembered Grandma Sheri so well after living in Spokane for a year. Needless to say, mom loved it. We are all happy it's Christmas and we get to spend some much needed time together. :)

NOT So Good News

Since ChemRad, mom has not been feeling well, at all. In fact, she has been the worse she's ever been. Her legs have atrophied to the point of where walking anywhere is difficult, we cannot leave the house much, if we do, we make sure the place we are going has a wheel chair so we can push her around. She has also had severe pains in her abdomen and esophagus. She cannot eat hardly anything, just some broth, chicken and rice here and there and maybe a little oatmeal, then once it's in her system it causes a lot of burning in her stomach and other painful symptoms.
In the last four weeks mom has been through so many tests and Drs appointments to determine the cause of her pain. We have had scopes, ultrasounds, blood tests and UA's. All of which are inconclusive. She has been on so many different pills we can hardly keep up anymore as the dosages and frequencies change daily. Let me just say, her doctors are SAINTS! They want to help her as quickly as possible and hopefully soon we can have her out of some pain. We pray continually for her. For those of you who have been through ChemRad or know someone who has, you know it's not easy. In fact, it's quite the reality check. We are on a long road to recovery and sometimes we feel as though we have only just begun.

Tomorrow is Mom's MRI to see what the results of all of the surgeries and treatments have been. They are going to see her brain tomorrow. They are going to be looking for signs of a tumor tomorrow. Tomorrow is a bit of a scary day. It's also a hopeful day as we KNOW that ALL THE PRAYERS ARE WORKING and we need them now more than ever. Please pray for her tomorrow if you can. Please. We are going to plead for this beautiful woman's life. We can ask for that, and we will.

We will hear the results on Monday and the results will be the Christmas miracle we are all hoping for.

We love you, we thank you. Miracles are wrought through prayer. It's true. Christ lives and he loves us! Merry Christmas everyone!

Love, The BIRDS


Anonymous said...

We are playing. Hang in there Sheri, We love you!

Andrea said...

Sheri, we will be praying for you tomorrow. We hope all goes well and the results are positive. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. we will be thinking of you. Keep us posted. Andrea

mana westover said...

You are in my prayers and on the prayer roll at the temple Sheri:) I love you Lindsay!!! Merry Christmas.

Deanne Dixon, Founder of KeepSee Creations, LLC said...

Hello Sheri,
You don't know me but I learned about you because Jennifer follows my blog. I want to send along my prayer for positive results in your test tomorrow. Heavenly Father knows our needs and watches over us. His greatest gift is His Son to bring us the opportunity of eternal life. Have a happy Christmas with your family.

The Larsen Gang said...

Sheri and Family-
Most definitely count me in...Sheri you are amazing and have such a wonderful family. My prayers will be more fervent than ever! Hang in there. I will always remember the great strength you showed after your sweet husband died, and I am still in awe of you! You will always be a AWESOME example for me!! Thank you for that.
I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Love ya...Carrie

mamabear said...

Sheri and family,
We think about you often and there will be many prayers today, tonight and till we here the GOOD news!!! We love you and are praying for your Christmas miracle!
Glenn family

Honest said...

Two more praying in Pennsylvania.

Hayley Marie said...

Our family is praying for you and your mom. We are learning what waiting for brain scans feel like. I hope and pray everything goes well and that you get some good news in time for Christmas :)

Jan said...

No matter where we might be (we're currently visiting our kids in Portland, then on to Utah and Colorado) we'll have you in our thoughts as well as in our prayers. The best present of this Christmas will be being surrounded by our families, won't it? You are loved by so many! Please know we send our loving wishes as well. You are one amazing and beautiful woman, Sheri.

Josh and Megan said...

I don't think you realize, Sherri, just how much we think about you all! Even before this all started, we were soooooo sad to say goodbye to such a great life and now after everything you have been through...not a day goes by without the thought of spokane and my 2nd family! We love you so much and are anxiously awaiting the results of your tests today!