Prognosis: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Outlook: Super Duper Hyper Positive
Chance of kicking it's rear: Oh, you better believe it. Consider this a warning little tumor.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The End of ChemRad!!!

Hey everyone!!!!

So mom finished her 7 weeks of ChemRad last Thursday, so it's been a week since she's been done! We celebrated the next day by taking her to the 2D version of 'Tangled' (the 3D would have been TOO much!). We LOVED it and it totally exhausted her and she slept the rest of the day.

We were anticipating some hard times coming off all the drugs and radiation as the side effects can be a bit harsh. We didn't have to wait long! As radiation 'seeps out' she is even more tired if you can believe it! She has slowly been allowed to cut down on steroids and little did we know that the steroids, besides making her a bit un-Sheri-like, have been giving her artificial bursts of energy that she so looks forward too everyday. The steroids have also atrophied her legs quite a bit-I tell her she has Jake Sully legs from Avatar-which is not funny and totally inappropriate, but hey, we laugh every time.

She also has been having some major stomach issues as all the drugs have torn up her little tummy. We have been trying all sorts of antacids that the doctor recommended, but to no avail, no relief has come. Finally we took her into the hospital yesterday as the pain had worsened and she's pretty bored of oatmeal and dried toast and ta-da! We got some MORE medication. But it IS working! Yay! All of the side effects are totally normal bytheway.

For better news: She is OFF steroids completely as of today, she is so excited! It still takes time for them to leave the body entirely though. Also, her hair is starting to grow back in 'like a weed' :). AND we got to have Thanksgiving a few weeks ago with Brett & France! France & I pulled together dinner (with Mom's help of course) and the boys helped by cleaning their plates and the kitchen! We set up the tree and have been enjoying all the pretty lights! It's funny, the timing of things. Mom's favorite holiday is Christmas and she gets the WHOLE month of December off of Chemo to enjoy it (until she starts up again the 27th for maintenance, which we will explain soon!). What a blessing.

We live one day at a time here at the Bird's and we are not sure what the next few weeks will bring as she continues to rest! But we sure look forward to having Brett & France back soon and cuddling up in Mom's room watching movies, playing games and just being a family.

Thank you so much for everything. You'll never fully know the impact your prayers and service have had on our family. We are so incredibly grateful and blessed to have you all in our lives. We have unwavering faith in the plan that God has for us and are excited to be celebrating the birth of our beloved Savior this month. Christ lives and loves us! Hope all is well with you and yours. We love reading everyone's messages, they are so fun and inspiring! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!


Cozy Blue Photography said...

So happy things are going well and that she gets some much needed time off to enjoy Christmas!! XOXOXO

B said...

Thanks for posting the update Linds. Not a morning/afternoon/night goes by that I don't think about you and your mom and hope that everything is well. These updates help me to sleep better at night knowing you're spirits are high and healing is happening! Love you much.


Hayley Marie said...

What wonderful news!! Yea!!

Jan said...

Thanks so much for the update. I think of you all every day and have been hoping you'd get a little respite from the difficulties of all the chemrad treatments. Rest is a good thing. Being surrounded by such great and unconditional love is the best. Having great friends makes the journey more bearable, and having your children to help, priceless.xoxoxox

Becky W. said...

Cassie just told me about your blog...thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and progress with others. Terry and I have thought about you Sheri, and your family so many times this fall...we send our love and healing thoughts to you! Sounds like your family is taking great care of you and will make sure that the Christmas season remains a favorite of yours. I have been to Earnie's office a few times and have MISSED seeing you and chatting about life and our families! Know that we care and are praying for you and your family.

Josh and Megan said...

I'm so happy to click on this blog and see the updates! Josh and I love hearing about how she's doing! We love you and think about the ENTIRE family allllllllll the time...seriously, my thoughts have been taken over by the BIRDS!