Prognosis: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Outlook: Super Duper Hyper Positive
Chance of kicking it's rear: Oh, you better believe it. Consider this a warning little tumor.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sheri's Thoughts (1)

Here are some thoughts from the woman herself (as told to me on Friday, October 29th) translated by yours truly:

1. "Today the radiation hit like a ton of bricks...... did someone get the license plate of that truck that just ran over me?" she said.
(This is very normal...radiation becomes accumulative in the body about now and it means things are progressing on schedule).
2. Mom is pleased and says she "is so blessed for so many little things in life that if you did not take the time to look they could be missed," she goes on, "for example, my pharmacy is close by, everyone is so helpful and things that need to work out, just do."
3. She got to meet up with a cancer nutritionist and said "everyone should know this stuff!" Also, "The cancer center here is just amazing and I never knew this world existed."
4. She feels the Lord so close and knows he is in charge...she feels peace and just keeps saying "Thank You! How can I be so blessed?"
5. Her favorite part of the day today was when they asked her how she felt and she said..."I have no complaints, I get to experience the seven wonders of the world:

"I get to....
1. See
2. To hear
3. To touch
4. To taste
5. To feel
6. To laugh
7. And to love.”


Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Love the positivity! You're an inspiration. Life is comparatively easy for me right now . . . thanks for the lesson in gratitude and humility. Love you guys!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for the post !!! Love you and your in all my though and prayers.

B said...

I love you Sheri. Thank you for teaching us during your time of need. What an angel.

Camille said...

This little blog here is like a daily inspiration blog. I come here and am reminded of how blessed we all are to experience these "seven wonders." Thank you Sheri for being so faithful and positive! I love you guys!

Jan said...

I think of all of you often and this morning was grateful to read your update. What a great blessing to be surrounded by those you love when times are tough and the roads tricky to navigate. You ARE in our thoughts and in my prayers so very often. What a remarkable woman you are, and what strength I feel when I read the words of your loving daughters. Pulling together is the best way to live each day to its fullest, and I can feel your combined strength and faith.
.Please share any insights you have on diet that your nutritionist told you. It might be good to spread the news!
God bless you and yours!

Unknown said...

Sister.......I have so much I want to tell you. Today- Just know that I already know how you will face this trial. Your character was formed before you were born. You are a ROCK! Sometimes God gives the tough chicks hard things to do just to show others how to go through it with dignity, grace and faith.

I'm sure there are days of feeling like sand. That's OK. I know what it's like to have a "beach" year.

Know that this single broad in Highland, Utah is thinking about that single broad in Spokane.

When all is said and done- What do you say we go on a cruise? Preferably in a warm place with history- I'm thinking the Mediterranean. Find ourselves a Greek tycoon to entertain us on his yacht, or an Italian masseuse with good hands. We might be able to find a French tour guide. He can take us through the back roads and we won't understand a thing he says....and we won't even care!!!

We can giggle our way through it.

Love you-
Jennifer Madsen
(Feeling like a mountain range today!)