Prognosis: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Outlook: Super Duper Hyper Positive
Chance of kicking it's rear: Oh, you better believe it. Consider this a warning little tumor.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

She's done with the Gamma Knife! Mom's not gonna like this picture, but she's done! The bandages are to keep her incisions from bleeding and can come off tomorrow! She is so thankful for all you support! We ALL are! Thank YOU! Love, The Bird Kids.


Brittany said...

I don't know how someone can manage to still look so beautiful after all that, but your mom definitely pulls it off. She still looks gorgeous!

Our prayers will continue. We love you guys!

B said...

Beautiful! Thank you for the update. Prayers coming your way.

Jan said...

Just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts every single day. I'm always thinking of the grace and dignity, as well as the courage you have shown on this journey. I am so so sorry it's been such a touch ride. Keep updates coming as it's possible.You are beautiful wonderful woman. xoxoxo

Dan Lattin said...

We send our love and prayers!
Dan and Christine Lattin