Prognosis: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Outlook: Super Duper Hyper Positive
Chance of kicking it's rear: Oh, you better believe it. Consider this a warning little tumor.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


After the last post, much has happened. The euphoria we have felt from the tumor being gone has not been replaced, it has though, been dimmed a bit. In the next 48 hours we completed two more Gastronomical tests (totaling 5) and went into another surgery, this time to remove her "icky" gallbladder. The surgery went well and we were in and out in one day, and France was there to help (he is such a lovely trooper). We thought this would help, and it did to some extent, she had color in her face again and her stomach shrunk just a bit, but the symptoms and the burning in her stomach have remained.

Mom has not eaten properly in almost 6 weeks. She is existing on clinical grade nutrition shakes. 1 scoop, 6x's a day. If we are lucky she makes it to six. Once in a while she'll have a few bites of toast or maybe an 1/8 of a can of chicken noodle soup, but that's it. Eating is very painful and the progress we thought we would be making by now has been pushed back. She still is in bed, still in much pain.

I don't mean to be a downer, but sometimes life is much harder than other times and though we are having tough times, we count our blessings daily. She is alive. Her tumor is no longer present. Her family is doing well and we have our faith and our testimonies. So we may be a little cloudy here at the bird house and it seems when it rains it pours, but there's always a rainbow to look forward too. Please rainbow! Come quick!!!!!

If we could ask, yet again, for prayers and fasting, we would be eternally grateful. We have 5 different doctors working on the case, 7 bajillion prescriptions and homeopathic treatments we are working through and we are recognizing that we need one more thing, another miracle. We are discouraged, but hopeful, frustrated, but optimistic, but most importantly, we are continually grateful to our Father in Heaven for giving us the opportunity to pray and to ask for help.

Thank you for the love. -The Birds


Hayley Marie said...

Sorry to hear about the set back. Those can be frustrating but your family seems to be doing a great job of staying positive. I will put her name on the Temple prayer roll tomorrow when it is open again. We are praying for good news soon!

Josh and Megan said...

I really am just wishing the BEST for you all!!! I know LIFE IS TOUGH and pretty crappy! It is, but.....I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND MISS YOU TONS AND WISH WE WERE THERE TO HELP AND GIVE KISSES!!!
I'm so sorry!

Camille said...

Your family is in our prayers every night. We are praying for that miracle!!

Jan said...

Our heartfelt prayers and love are winging their way to you Sheri. May there be peace and calm in your heart as you make you way through this hard, hard time. Hopefully beautiful music still sounds good to your soul and you can be nurtured by that since food isn't working very well right now, darn it. You have so much on your plate - luckily you've got your beautiful family to keep it all sorted out and organized for you. Hang it there!! xoxoxo

Melissa said...

You can do it Sheri! I will continue to pray for you!! Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

Sheri ~ you are such a trooper! Make sure you remember how tough these times are so that when the sun DOES come out, it seems even more radiant!
As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you, as is our love.

Christie (Shelly's sister)

Anonymous said...

You're on the prayer list for the Lutheran Church I work at too. They pray for your recovery and ask me how you are doing. God is doing his work through your life. I hope things start looking up for you. Much love and hugs - Jeff & Adam

Mama-san said...

It's difficult to relate to what you have been through & continue to endure, however your faith & the example of your testimony that you have raised your children on, continues to touch & strengthen me. You are in our thoughts & prayers Sheri.
Love you,